Years of Business

Daisypath Vacation tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Hello gang!
I have been doing a lot of soul searching and thinking the past few weeks about a re-opening date.
I want to enjoy the summer with my kiddos and we have several trips planned over the course of the summer.
So I am anticipating a reopening date the week of Labor Day.
That being said, I won't leave you without new Skidz items! I will be making items as I am able and placing them in a "ready to ship" album. They will be a first come, first served basis.
This does not affect any previous orders!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Out of town notice

SWC will have family in town
AND be on a trip later this month.
I will have limited time and access to answer emails and questions from
June 16th-July 1st.
I try to get a response back within 48 hours but the time might be extended during this family visiting time.
Thanks for your understanding and patience!
I do not have a grand re-opening date yet....I will let you know soon!
We are dealing with some health issues that my newborn has so it will depend on how she responds to treatment. Thanks!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Don't forget....

Beginning in July, the fan of the week on Facebook will receive a Skidz Wife embroidered initial kitchen towel.
How do you become fan of the week......
like our facebook posts
comment on our posts, pictures, or wall
any combination of the above
Make sure you are looking out for us on your newsfeed for more opportunities